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Our popular USN Creatine Monohydrate is a bioavailable pure crystallised creatine supplement.

Creatine can be highly effective in improving your muscle performance and increasing your physical performance, making this supplement ideal for those looking for that extra boost during those strenuous high intensity workouts or training sessions.

   Bioavailable Pure Crystallised Creatine

   Supports Performance Levels

   Ideal for High Intensity Training


What is Creatine Monohydrate?

USN’s Creatine Monohydrate contains one of the most well studied forms of creatine available. It's a water-soluble form with a good bioavailability.

The micronised formula means it's easily dissolved in liquids meaning you won't come across any annoying lumps when you're drinking.

What are the benefits?

There's plenty of scientific evidence that creatine can increase physical performance during short-term, high intensity, repeated exercise bouts, when taken at dosages of 3g and more a day. 

  • Bioavailable pure crystallised creatine
  • Creatine can increases physical and muscular performance
  • Ideal for those high intensity sessions

Is this product for me?

Our Creatine Monohydrate is the ideal supplement for fitness fanatics as it can increase physical performance during those high intensity workout sessions. 

Amount per serving 1 Teaspoon Creatine Monohydrate 5000mg

  • 99.9% Pure Creatine Monohydrate.

Important: It's important to note that when your are taking Creatine Monohydrateyou should keep hydrated. Drink 8-12 glasses of water per day whilst using this product. It's also vital to combine our Creatine supplement with a high intensity exercise routine.

Creatine Loading:

  • For the first 5 days of use, take 1 teaspoon 4 to 5 times daily with 250ml fruit juice or your favourite protein drink. ƒƒ
  • Creatine Level Maintenance: After 5 consecutive days of loading, take 1 teaspoon 1 to 2 times daily with 250ml fruit juice for a period of 3 weeks.
  • Stop usage completely for 3 weeks before starting with the cycle again. Please consult your physician if you have any medical condition.

Important: It's important to note that when your are taking Creatine Monohydrateyou should keep hydrated. Drink 8-12 glasses of water per day whilst using this product. It's also vital to combine our Creatine supplement with a high intensity exercise routine.

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